A mobile application for you as a manager or employee in a company with Avonova Assist. Your manager must create a user account for you before you can log in and use all the included services.Avonova Assist is a comprehensive solution for a safe and productive work environment. Together with a personal advisor and access to digital HR and HSE tools, the company can easily ensure compliance with HSE legislation. Managers and employees receive both training and increased competence, health-promoting services, and access to the largest occupational health service in the Nordics. Your advisor helps you with what is relevant for your specific company.Avonova Assist includes:• Personal advisor and managerial support• Afilliation with the occupational health service• HR and HSE tools• Training and competence enhancement• Digital chemical inventory (free up to 15 product information sheets)• Employee benefits (health-promoting services such as doctor and psychologist on video,health coach, and more.)